How has your fall been so far? It’s hard to believe that the last day of October is only one week away. Where did the time go?!
I actually can account for some of the time loss… being that a big hurricane came through my area (with no damage to my home… praise the Lord) and I spontaneously went on the Dominican Republic trip with Trades of Hope that same week! Remember when I was sad about missing a spot on the trip? Won’t God do it. 🙂
I left part of my heart in the Dominican Republic. Truly, I’m not the same woman I was 2 weeks ago.
In the photo above are girls in the trafficking safe home (the only shelter for minors in the south of the country and one of 4 ministries in the country working in anti trafficking) that we support with my work with Trades of Hope.
I sat with them and listened to them share their stories through tears. Little girls shouldn’t have stories like theirs.
I stood with them and listened to them pray with conviction, worship God for his Faithfulness in their life, and dance in the freedom they have in Christ.
There is so much work to be done to fight the issue of child marriage & trafficking.
There is so much that has been accomplished.
I know with confidence that these girls are safe & loved…now.
But there are so many other girls who are not…yet.
We can do something about it right here, right now. Now that we know, we must share with others.
It’s heavy. There’s joy. The redemption story is full of Hope. I’m processing, and I’m gonna take action.
Time to get back to work.

I chose these photos to share since these specific girls (except for one who is in training and turns 18 soon!) are now adults working in our jewelry workshop. There are 15 more girls (children, teens) who live in the safe home.
Between them, they have had to endure things that no one, especially children, should have to endure.
Things that I am so blessed to have never had to experience… Simply because I was born into a loving family and a culture that’s not okay with certain things.
My life isn’t perfect, but I’ve never been forced to give birth without proper medical care at 12 years old and suffered the loss of a newborn because of discrimination.
I’ve never experienced physical or sexual abuse by family members or strangers.
I’ve never, as a pre-teen, been sold by my mother to a man 50 years older than me to be his “wife”.
But, the one thing we have in common is a Heavenly Father who loves us and is a Redeemer.
These girls are overcomers. They have inspired me to have more faith.
They are an example to each other and everyone they meet. I have no doubt God has big plans for them. These are just a few snippets of a few stories, but there are so many other girls that are in the same situations that need help & to be rescued.
I’m so thankful for Batey Rehab Project and the work they are doing in the Dominican. They can’t do it alone. They need our help. If you are interested in supporting these beautiful girls, there are many ways you can help.
I’d love to chat with you.
Sharing Hope,