Lesson Archive

Book Parties Like a Boss

Booking your calendar FULL of parties is a great way to grow your business.  After you conquer your Facebook and home launch party (plan to “launch” with a few parties in a row! ;)) – it’s time to get just 2-4 more parties set on your calendar in the next 2 weeks. Often times Guests at your launch parties don’t often realize you’re playing the role of the Partner and the hostess. It is helpful to remind them that you’ll do all the “work” and their only job is to invite their friends, hype it up and be a cheerleader. This often reassures them that they don’t need to set up a Facebook event and do all the posting! Here’s a fun home-party booking strategy from Erin Woods: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oFv0l_ifUk Watch this quick video to learn: How to get parties booked Customer care and following up to fill your calendar Best practices for booking parties outside your network Tawny’s Bonus Tip: Just ASK! Worst case scenario, they say “no thanks!”   Your To-Do List: Set 2-4 parties in the next 2 weeks. Comment below with who will be hosting your first party for you.

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Build Your Dream Team

While you are still in learning mode, the idea of adding someone to your team may sound daunting. However, sponsoring (the Trades of Hope word for adding team members) is the very best way to grow your reach, impact, and business from the very beginning. It’s not mandatory by any means, but it does put you on a path to be a future Leader which comes with a pay increase! In the meantime, you will be your new team member’s sponsor and your sponsor will continue to help with training and support, while you cheer on and learn alongside your new team member. Before you skip the post in your Facebook parties about asking questions about the business or shy away from mentioning it in your home party, take a few minutes to think about the impact YOU can create on another family by sharing the business opportunity. Whether they are looking for some additional income (really, who isn’t?!) or if a mom is looking for a hobby to make her own, just by simply asking a question like “Have you ever thought about doing something like this?” can invite a conversation about joining. Compensation Plan: https://hopecentral.tradesofhope.com/resources/comp-plan/compensation-plan/#1558022358542-e334c84e-8790 Watch this quick video to learn: Why growing your team early & often will accelerate your business and income How to approach sponsoring confidently even if you’re just starting out Tips and tools to lean on as you’re learning how to grow your team (leaders’ stories, Discover Hope opportunity events, live videos on the Trades of Hope social media, opportunity packet) What to say so you don’t weird out your friends!  Tawny’s Bonus Tip: Having a recruiting conversation takes some practice. So, practice… over and over and over!   Your To-Do List: Make a list of WHO you would like on your team Reach out to 5 people on your list and ask them if they would like more info Comment below with what your sponsor said to you that made you want to join

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