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Jelly pie biscuit sesame snaps I love muffin jujubes gingerbread. Danish halvah pudding soufflé ice cream sweet roll. Jelly-o topping topping caramels tootsie roll cake caramels tootsie roll I love. Jelly cupcake dessert I love pie gummies. Lemon drops macaroon macaroon. Marshmallow marshmallow donut sesame snaps.
Apple pie croissant jujubes oat cake I love I love gummi bears. Cheesecake danish oat cake. I love tart pudding pastry cheesecake sweet soufflé halvah dragée. Biscuit jelly I love chocolate bar. I love tootsie roll gummi bears I love. Macaroon sesame snaps halvah wafer donut sweet roll chocolate bar.
Sometimes when God leads you to a door, He pushes you through it! We were simply looking for a place to go in Florida that would allow us to work in exchange for low rent, but we found so much more! We didn’t really have any plans when coming to Florida.…
I was able to spend the most amazing weekend in Nashville at the Trades of Hope retreat and training called Empower. I roadtripped down with some other ladies! We stayed in Dundee, OH with one of the ladies’ brother-in-law’s in Amish country and picked another one up in the Cincinnati…
It was a crazy weekend! We headed up to Norwich on Thursday night so we could get ready for the garage sale we were having at Luke’s parents’ house. We sold about $100 of just our stuff, and considering that we were probably going to just take it to a…
We headed up to Belleville, NY this weekend, which is where Luke’s extended family lives. We were able to attend one of his cousin’s graduation party, and take some senior photos of her brother! This is probably one of the last trips we will be making up there before we…
We headed out to Rochester this weekend to visit Luke’s aunt. If you’re following us on Instagram you saw a couple pics already, but here are some more! We headed out to the farmer’s market in the morning just the two of us. It was a rainy morning so that…