Hello, New Website!
As a new Trades of Hope Partner, home office has provided you with your very own website. Yay! Here are a few helpful tips about your website:
Your URL is www.tradesofhope.com/yourname (you set this up when you joined). This is the site you will share with your customers to do their shopping!
Watch this short video to learn:
- Creating your file (photo and contact information) visible for customers
- Setting up payment information
Your To-Do List:
- Watch this 6-minute video on setting up your website.
- Head to team.tradesofhope.com & login
- https://hopecentral.tradesofhope.com/resources/tech/personal-website/
- Watch this video to learn how to set-up a party link: https://hopecentraldev.wpengine.com/partiesmanager/
- Leave a comment below with any questions you have about your website or opening up a party link.