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Hostess Rewards and Party Prizes

I LOVE to give fair trade goodies away! It is one of the most fun parts of being an Trades of Hope partner. My hostesses and customers are so excited when they win a prize for a free product. It’s also a great incentive to book parties, gain repeat customers, and build a community of followers that truly love that you are their Fair Trade lady!

There are several categories of “rewards” that will be helpful to learn:

  • Hostess Rewards & Givebacks:
  • Prizes: Your customers will attend your parties because you make them FUN. What’s more fun than a prize or giveaway? This is certainly not required, but definitely adds some excitement to the party. You also need to make sure your giveaway strategy is cost-effective. Let’s talk about how to maximize the rewards provided by home office so your out-of-pocket expense is minimal. Here are some of my typical giveaways and prizes:
    • Party prize: I usually give away at least one prize to a customer for participating in the party. I typically mail out a sample of our coffee or something small from our partner store. Here’s how to shop your partner store:

Watch this short video to learn:

  • How hostess rewards work from Trades of Hope
  • How to use prizes to get bookings
  • How to leverage the hostess rewards from home office to minimize your out-of-pocket expenses

Tawny’s Bonus Tip: As a Trades of Hope Partner, YOU receive hostess rewards, as well. Make sure you always have an “open” party so you can begin accumulating hostess rewards on small orders and orders placed outside of a party. Make sure to set your party date for a few months out, and set a reminder to close it up before it expires so you don’t miss out on those rewards!

Your To-Do List:

  • Watch this 13-minute video on hostess rewards and prizes.
  • Decide on what prize(s) you’re going to offer to your customers and hostesses.
  • Comment below with which rewards YOU are most excited about.

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